Monday, 24 June 2013

Health and Safety

When creating or designing a public sculpture you have to consider Heath and safety. Health and Safety will effect the way you develop your designs because you need to take sustainability into consideration along with the structure, the shape, the size, materials used and the possible use of electricity. All these factors will impact your decisions so that the public's health and safety will not be at risk. In relation to shape you can't design a structure that contains sharp edges that are reachable to the public, no sharp corners that can be easily brushed past and cause injury. The structure and the strength of the structure is important because it needs to with stand time and not brake or collapse so the material of the sculpture also needs to be considered. Sustainability also ties into this, the material needs to withstand time and be long lasting if this is the intention of the sculpture. It also needs to be made of a material that isn't poisonous or can cause a hazard in relation to chemicals. It needs to be safe to tough if it is in reach of the public. The sculpture needs to be placed securely in position so it does not fall or dismantle and injure the public. Sometimes the public can be harmed or injured by a public sculpture this is why the designers of the pieces invest in public liability insurance which makes it so if the public are harmed the insurance company pay for compensation.

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